

Small Collaborative Partnerships

„This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”

Duration of the project : 1.1.2020. – 30.6.2021. ( 18 months )

Total value of the project : 46,400 Eur

Project cordinator:


Partners :




The general objective of the action is:

  • to prevent injuries and protect health of young wrestling athletes by improving training and competition conditions.

The specific objectives of the action are:

  1. Development and implementation of enchanced wrestling training methodology for coaches/trainers by organizing best practices exchange workshops in Croatia (kick-off meeting), Sweden and Romania and then the final event in Croatia with the presentation of the overall workshop acquis or the material from previous workshops edited as a demonstration video on the fine-tuned wrestling techniques helping prevent injuries.
  2. Strengthening the awareness of key stakeholders (coaches/trainers, wrestling sport clubs, sport association, local or national sport authorities) about the importance of safe trainings keeping exposuresor the risk of a hazard as low as possible.Within project activities the focus will be on both: the exchange of information and good practices and dissemination of the common newly acquired training and injury prevention knowledge. It will result in publishing of a demonstration video and a training manual consisting of presentations/reccomendations of all involved expert trainers and the local wrestling top athletes, champions and veterans invited to workshops.
  3. A special part would be interviews with Swedish, Romanian and Croatian wrestling champions and veterans with special light cast on their experience in injury prevention.As in many sports, the risk of injury increases due to many facts: age and size of athletes, style of play, contact forces. However, the risk of injuries can be reduced. Wrestling injuries can be prevented with proper supervision and compliance with the rules and safety guidelines procedures concerning the training space and training techniques.Injury prevention should be a priority for all athletes, coaches/trainers and sport club managers.


CROATIA : HRVAČKI KLUB “SESVETSKI KRALJEVEC” (Wrestling club “Sesvetski Kraljevec”) is a non-profit, non-governmental sport club founded with the aim of promoting, developing and enhancing wrestling sport in the City of Zagreb and in Croatia. Although the club is active in providing additional education for its trainers (coaches), the possibilities of formal and informal education in Croatia are very small and inadequate, espacially with topics of health and injury prevention. The existing two Faculties of Physical Education are not able to match all the needs, so the experience of other partners and the possibility of additional education is extremely important.


SWEDEN : Huddinge Brottarklubb – Huddinge wrestling clubs aim is to give every child the possibility to be the best version of themselves. The mission is to give the youths the mental, technical and physical skills to become a better person and athlete and, most importantly, a better citizen. The goal is to thrive them to continue their journey within sport and education and health as long as possible. They are also highly focused on “training the trainers” and their work methodology will be an essential contribution to the project.

ROMANIA : Sport Club “HERACLE” Timisoara -the aims of Heracle Sports Club is to discover and guide young wrestlers in greco-roman style to raise future performers . In 2017 the club has accredited 26 talented children, trainers and staff dedicated to promote wrestling and prevention of health of young athletes. Their knowledge and experience will be crucial for the project implementation and for the exchange of best practices.

All project partners (their trainers/coaches) will gain a new knowledge and skills in training methodology in working with young athletes in order to protect them from safe and healty hazards by improving and implementing training methodology which will be summarized after the Best practices exchange meetings(workshops) in partners countires in one Training manual.

Besides, all partners are sport clubs therefore the project proposal is highly relevant to the target groups (trainers/coaches and athletes) since the training methodology will be directly implemented in their everyday work/training with athletes


Nakon što smo završili naš projekt Wrestling in safe mode, objavili smo vodiš sa svih naših predavanja koja smo provodili. Ukoliko Vas zanima slobodno ga pogledajte i pročitajte. After we completed our Wrestling in safe mode project, we published a guide from all our lectures we conducted. If you are interested, feel free to look…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOzP-8MWO24&t=44s [ Video vodič sa svim vježbama sa naših praktičnih radionica. ] U prilogu pogledajte video vodič sa svim prevencijskim vježbama za mlade hrvače za vrijeme treninga i natjecanja, koje smo održali na našim prakričnim radionicama u Rumunjskoj, Švedskoj i Hrvatskoj [ Video guide with all the exercises from our practical workshops. ] Please find…

13 prosinca, 2021

[ 4. Transnational meeting – Zagreb, 10.-12.12.2021. ] Završena je posljednja od 4 teoretsko praktične radionice koja se ovaj vikend održala u Zagrebu, točnije u Sesvetskom Kraljevcu. Kroz tri dana naši su gosti iz Švedske i Rumunjske bili sudionici raznih teorijskih i praktičnih predavanja koje im je organizirao domaćin iz Sesvetskog Kraljevca. Na ovom sastanku…